You have bigger fires to put out than equipment record keeping, but new safety recommendations encourage protecting your company by washing PPE after every fire. The new UniMac UW45 washer extractor not only has a customized spin cycle that won’t damage PPE, it’s also compatible with the cloud-based FireLinc™ application, which lets safety officers easily maintain a full gear-washing history for each member of their team. FireLinc works with your inventory tracking system and sorts data by the equipment ID, where it was washed and even who washed it. You focus on safety. FireLinc will fill in the details.
UniMac has been recognized around the world as the leading manufacturer of commercial laundry equipment. We produce, sell and support more commercial washers and dryers in North America than any other company. The Fireman’s Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Drying Cabinet provides fire stations the means to effectively, efficiently and safely dry protective gear – at the lowest cost of ownership in the industry.